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Sudan: UNIDO holds consultations on industrial policy, helping to drive industrial development

29 July 2021

Sudan: UNIDO holds consultations on industrial policy, helping to drive industrial development

Cover photo: by Bertramz licensed under CC BY 3.0

KHARTOUM, 29 July 2021 – At the request of the Government of Sudan, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is supporting Sudan’s efforts to transform the country’s economy in such way that it complies with core principles for achieving sustainable development, higher productivity and increased value added by conducting a diagnostic study of the industrial sector. The study, carried out in collaboration with the Global Policy Incubator will a) provide a better understanding of the current state of industrial development in the country, and b) set a baseline for formulating future action for inclusive and sustainable industrial development. Among others, the study draws on intensive consultations with government officials, private sector managers and representatives of think tanks and research institutions.

In this context, from 26-29 July, UNIDO representatives and stakeholders in Sudan held various meetings (combining online communication and local meetings) to discuss the potential to develop industries and manufacturing in Sudan. During the stakeholder consultations, preliminary findings from the diagnostic study were discussed in the light of locally perceived bottlenecks to industrial businesses. Finally, potential strategies for industrial upgrading and development were discussed.

Mohamed Abdelmomen, UNIDO Representative in Sudan, who organized the consultations, noted, “Strategic directions need to be fed by solid empirical evidence.” The final diagnostics report will be published later this year with the aim of setting strategic foundations for the elaboration of a new industrial policy in Sudan.

For more information, contact:

Nicola Cantore

UNIDO Department of Policy Research and Statistics


Mohamed Abdelmomen

UNIDO Representative in Sudan
