Transparency and accountability
UNIDO is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and values in the implementation of its mandate to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
All personnel and staff, upon their recruitment, abide to the zero tolerance policy against misconduct, commit to act with integrity and to promote and respect a culture of ethics and accountability. They solemnly engage to prevent all forms of discrimination including racial discrimination and gender biases; all forms of harassment; and all forms of abuse, including abuse of authority. They assert their commitment against fraudulent behaviour, including in all (procurement) transactions, and granting of privileges, and will encourage all individuals to report misconduct.
Established in 2020, the Ethics and Accountability Unit (EAU) main role is to foster an organizational culture of ethics, transparency and accountability, putting the guiding principles and the core values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity when delivering its mandate:
The EAU supports the implementation of all UNIDO ethics-related policies, elaborated in alignment and compliance with international norms and standards among them:
Protection against retaliation for reporting misconduct or cooperating with audits or investigations;
UNIDO’s Financial Disclosure and Declaration of Interests Policy;
UNIDO's Policy on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
In addition to providing confidential advice and guidance to personnel on ethics related questions arising in connection with their service with UNIDO, such as conflict of interest, fraud and retaliation, the EAU is entrusted to bring necessary improvements to UNIDO’s ethics framework. This is done by inter –alia, updating or drafting new policies; developing tailored training for all personnel including the high management; strengthening mechanisms of protection against retaliation, and the digitalization and automation of conflict management processes.
The EAU is committed in coordination with relevant structures/stakeholders to strengthening the ethical framework and conduct of all personnel at all levels of the Organization.
Contact the Ethics and Accountability Unit at ethics@unido.org