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Ending hunger

Food processing Peru

As many as 864 million people are unsure where their next meal is coming from. But a world without hunger is possible – through sustainable industrialization, technology and knowledge transfer, and investment in agribusiness.

Food safety and food quality control are key not only to safeguarding people’s health, but also to improving livelihoods. When food safety is assured, food exports can access regional and international markets.

UNIDO works to achieve food security so that all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.

Agribusiness and sustainable food supply chains play a crucial role.

For example, UNIDO works to help reduce post-harvest losses. One way to do this by developing the processing of agricultural products. Less food is lost, and food costs less - thus increasing food security, while generating job opportunities in rural communities.

The processing of agricultural products in developing countries not only has a huge potential to create jobs, it also increase export revenues and boosts economies.

Digital technologies are making a difference. Traceability technologies and digital logistics services can streamline agri-food supply chains. 

Knowledge transfer about digital technologies allows women and youth working at all points along the food supply chain to reduce food waste, improve food safety and access new markets.

See: A World Without Hunger is Possible. Best Practice Cases of UNIDO Technical Cooperation (September 2023)