Legal Affairs and Compliance
UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations composed of Member States pursuant to international treaty: its Constitution. As a subject of international law and in accordance with its Constitution, UNIDO enjoys certain privileges and immunities, rights and obligations under international law which define and regulate its external relations. Internally, like other members of the United Nations common system of organizations, UNIDO is required to act in accordance with its internal law. The internal law of UNIDO is defined by its Constitution and, subsidiarily, by the regulations and directives emanating from its governing bodies and the rules and instructions issued by or under the authority of UNIDO’s Director General.
The Office of Legal Affairs and Compliance is designed to assist the Organization in achieving its goals by ensuring that all its activities and programmes are in accordance with the external and internal aspects of the Organization’s legal framework as summarized above. The office’s core function consists in the provision of sound and impartial legal advice and expert legal assistance in order to promote and develop the rule of law in all aspects of the Organization’s activities, as well as to defend UNIDO’s rights, positions and interests in contractual or litigation matters.
More specifically, the office:
Office of Legal Affairs and Compliance
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Vienna International Centre
Wagramer Strasse
P.O. Box 300
1400 Vienna