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How does the private sector partner with UNIDO?

Partnerships can take many forms. Below are the three partnership categories UNIDO has adopted for strategically engaging with companies and foundations.

>> Core Business and Value Chain Partnerships: harness the core strengths of the private sector and/or aim for changing the way businesses operate to be more in line with social, environmental and development goals. 

>> Social Investment and Philanthropy Partnerships: provide the UN system with different types of support, including traditional philanthropy, social venture funds, hybrid or blended-value financing mechanisms, employee volunteers or contribute core business expertise, products or services to the public cause.

>> Multi-stakeholder and Transformational Partnerships: enable dynamic processes for issue-focused consultation and scalable operations among numerous private and public parties, as well as including private sector representatives in their governance structures.

Interested in partnering with UNIDO?

UNIDO seeks partnerships with companies and foundations that share its mission to advance sustainable and inclusive industrial development. To enquire about a partnership with UNIDO, contact the Business Partnerships Group