"Bridge for Cities” is an annual event that aims to promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development via the Belt and Road Initiative, with which it shares many similarities, and to encourage municipal officials and development stakeholders to scale up their engagement in inclusive and sustainable urban and industrial development initiatives.
Bridge for Cities
Bridge for Cities Knowledge Platform
Launched in 2022, the Knowledge Platform aims to establish Bridge for Cities as a state-of-the-art forum for exchange of knowledge and best practices on urban-industrial development trends around the world, and provide additional opportunities for city-to-city partnerships. The platform also includes information about all events organized under this initiative.
9th "Bridge for Cities " event
9 to 11 October 2024
8th "Bridge for Cities " event
4 to 5 September 2023
7th "Bridge for Cities" event
31 October 2022
6th "Bridge for Cities" event
31 October 2021
5th "Bridge for Cities" event
5 October 2020
For more information on the “Bridge for Cities” event, please feel free to contact us.
Email: bri@unido.org