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This guide is based on UNIDO’s (United Nations Industrial Development
Organization) and Federexport’s (Italian Federation of Export Consortia) experience in the development and promotion of export consortia gained in a variety of industrialized and developing countries. An effort was also made to review international good practice.

The guide is structured as follows:

  • Part 1 gives an introduction to the concept of export consortia. 
  • Part 2 describes the process of creating an export consortium.
  • Part 3 presents issues related to the practical operation of export consortia such as the organizational structure, characteristics of member firms and the optimal size of an export consortium.
  • Part 4 reviews the links of export consortia with private and public sector institutions.
  • Part 5 discusses impact assessments of export consortia.

The guide concludes by summarizing the main factors determining the success of export consortia.

Throughout the guide, examples of existing export consortia are used to illustrate the main points and concepts.

A collection of annexes can be found on this page. The documents included (such as questionnaires, which may be used to determine potential members and their priorities, the documents of incorporation and the business plan) illustrate certain issues discussed throughout the main text. It is hoped that they can serve as useful examples for those involved in the creation of export consortia.

The Guide and the annexes are also available in French and Spanish and they can be requested by contacting Mr. Gilles Galtieri