South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation
Countries in the Global South are increasingly leveraging the power of South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) to drive sustainable industrial development and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 9 on industry, innovation, and infrastructure. UNIDO's SSTIC initiatives cover a wide range of thematic areas, including agro-industry, circular economy, green industry, and Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. By mainstreaming SSTIC across its operations and aligning its efforts with the UN system-wide strategy on South-South and Triangular Cooperation, UNIDO is contributing to a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future for all.

South-South cooperation leads to greater innovation as it provides opportunities for developing countries to learn from each other and share best practices.
What is South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation?

South-South Cooperation is “a process whereby two or more developing countries pursue their individual and/or shared national capacity development objectives through exchanges of knowledge, skills, resources and technical know-how, and through regional and interregional collective actions.”

Triangular Cooperation is “Southern-driven partnerships between two or more developing countries supported by a developed country(ies) or multilateral organization(s) to implement development cooperation programmes and projects.”
“South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) is a collaborative approach that enables countries in the Global South to share knowledge, technology, and resources, fostering mutual growth for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.”

e-Learning: Introduction to South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC)
This UNIDO self-paced e-learning course on South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) offers a comprehensive overview of these development cooperation modalities, emphasizing their role in advancing sustainable development. The course is designed to be completed in 60-90 minutes and includes real-world case studies to illustrate key concepts.
Contact us
Mr. Shenhong Yao
Division of Strategic Planning and South-South Cooperation (SPP/SSC)
Mr. Pradeep Paulose
Programme Officer
Division of Strategic Planning and South-South Cooperation (SPP/SSC)