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UNIDO Publications


Manual on operations under multilateral environmental agreements Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer and Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants

2009  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

The Manual comprises two main parts: part one, dealing with the implementation modalities of the Montreal Protocol, and part two, dealing with practical guidelines for the preparation of a national implementation plan (NIP) and for post-NIP activities.

Preparing for HCFC phase-out: Fundamentals of uses, alternatives, implications and funding for Article 5 countries

2009  |  Author(s): UNIDO

#Montreal Protocol

The issues of ozone depletion and climate change have been at the forefront of the international community’s environmental agenda for several years. It is now generally accepted that man-made chemicals and human activities are having a significant adverse impact on the global climate. The focus of this guide is to assist Article 5 countries with the phase-out of HCFCs. This is a complex issue with interlinking environmental, economic, technical and social aspects. It is therefore impossible to consider the topic of HCFC phase-out in isolation; an overarching approach is required.