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Evaluation reports

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Evaluation report on Promoting women empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the MENA region (Phase II).pdf

Evaluation report on Promoting women empowerment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the MENA region (Phase II).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#MSMEs   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 170136
The project \"Promoting Women's Empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA Region, Phase II\" (PWE II), aimed at enhancing access to finance, market integration, and strategic value chain development for women's empowerment\nacross Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia. It focused on five key outcomes: creating an enabling environment for women's entrepreneurship, reducing financial barriers, improving market access, increasing product\/service quality and quantity in selected gender-sensitive value chains, and ensuring effective project management and monitoring.\nDespite initial plans for collaboration with UN Women and FAO, UNIDO became the sole implementing agency. Consequently, the project centered on its regional component (Outcome 1: Building a more conducive environment for women entrepreneurship development) funded by the Italian Government, with a pilot project in Tunisia funded by the Government of Monaco. The Tunisian pilot aimed to create market opportunities for MSMEs in natural cosmetics and parapharmaceuticals through enhanced management, packaging, marketing strategies, and business partnerships.\nThe independent terminal evaluation, conducted in 2024, found that the PWE II project successfully addressed some significant challenges for women's entrepreneurship in the\nMENA region, demonstrating its high relevance to national needs and priorities. It effectively generated and shared knowledge, raised awareness among stakeholders, built\ncapacity, and showcased successful market access strategies in the Tunisian pilot. Despite limited financial and human resources, the project was managed efficiently, optimizing resource use and cost-sharing for joint activities.\nThe sustainability of the pilot project in Tunisia appears likely, but broader regional results face uncertainty due to political and economic instability and weak stakeholder ownership in countries with minimal project activities. Progress towards empowering women in the MENA region remains limited, hindered by slow behavioural changes and regulatory reforms. The project addressed gender-specific gaps and needs, providing valuable data and information through targeted surveys and studies. Environmental and social impacts were considered in the selection of gender-sensitive value chains and the pilot incubation program in Tunisia, aiming to formalize women's work and reduce precariousness.\nRecommendations for future projects include securing formal commitments and budgets from co-implementers prior to the start of the project, capitalizing on results and lessons learned from women's entrepreneurship projects implemented in the MENA region, involving national actors in regional governance structures, adopting an integrated\nand individualized approach for final beneficiaries (women entrepreneurs), utilizing risk matrices and maintaining constant adaptability and flexibility in the face of challenges.
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

Evaluation report on the Impact of the Vienna Energy Forum.pdf

Evaluation report on the Impact of the Vienna Energy Forum.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

The independent evaluation assessed the results of the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum (IVECF)\/ Vienna Energy Forum (VEF), henceforth simply the forum, for the period 2009-2023 with a special focus on the last five years. The evaluation used the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence, and contributions towards impacts. This involved considering and reviewing the forum’s objectives, performance indicators, stakeholder engagement, knowledge dissemination, policy influence, and long-term impacts. The evaluation used a mixed-method approach encompassing quantitative and qualitative analysis with data collected from documents, surveys, interviews, observations, and archival sources.\n\nThe forum’s primary goal is to create a vibrant, interactive, and inclusive environment that facilitates stimulating discussions on crucial issues related to the sustainable energy discourse and encourages the proposal of practical solutions for promoting sustainable energy development.\n\nThe evaluation found that the forum is well-aligned with emerging global priorities on sustainable energy. It has seen significant growth in participation over the years, which spotlights its rising significance. The forum has catalyzed policy and technology discussions and community projects globally over the years through its insights and partnerships. It has contributed to the global sustainable energy agenda over the past decade, both through high-level policy impacts at international events like COP as well through on-ground delivery. Through its platforms, various projects have gained visibility and access to potential support, exemplifying its capacity to facilitate meaningful connections and contribute to advancing sustainable energy solutions. Sustaining this impact hinges on\nexpanding its reach and scope further. By exposing industry players to emerging innovations, this forum has also contributed to new product developments and sustained corporate engagement. However, overall data to comprehensively assess this forum’s long-term impact remains constrained.\n\nThe evaluation concluded that the forum, through biennial conferences, remains a critical platform in the global energy dialogue. To maintain its significance and enhance its impact, it will need to continue adapting to the evolving landscape with strategic focus, alignment with UN goals, stakeholder engagement, and efficient management, while deepening its commitment to cross-cutting themes.\n\nThe evaluation recommends that UNIDO should (1) continue to refine the forum’s thematic focus, capitalizing on its unique positioning in the energy and industrial development\ndialogue, (2) enhance stakeholder engagement through hybrid summits, targeted marketing plus localization, and early and comprehensive planning, (3) streamlining governance structures for more efficient event management, and (4) deepening cross-cutting themes to better integrate gender, youth, and environmental concerns.\n

Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of PCB wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment in Sri Lanka.pdf

Evaluation report on Environmentally sound management of PCB wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment in Sri Lanka.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#SRI LANKA   #Asia and the Pacific   #SRI LANKA   #Project evaluations

Project: 150050
The project ``Environmentally sound management and disposal of PCBs wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment in Sri Lanka`` was funded by the GEF with $4,725m and\nimplemented by UNIDO from January 2016 to March 2024. The Ministry of Mahaweli\nDevelopment and Environment of Sri Lanka served as the national executing agency for the project. The main objective of the project was to establish a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) management system in Sri Lanka to reduce and eliminate the release of PCBs from waste stockpiles and equipment in an environmentally sound manner.\nThe purpose of this terminal evaluation is to ensure accountability, support results-based management, and facilitate learning and innovation. The evaluation aims at providing valuable information to UNIDO management and various stakeholders and contributing to evidence-based decision-making.\n
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Final report. Evaluability assessment of UNIDO's contribution to SDG 9.pdf

Final report. Evaluability assessment of UNIDO's contribution to SDG 9.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This report summarizes the key findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the\nEvaluability Assessment (EA) conducted by the Office of Evaluation and Internal Oversight, through its Independent Evaluation Unit (EIO\/IEU), to determine the feasibility of evaluating the United Nations Industrial Development Organization's (UNIDO) contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9) reliably and credibly. The assessment focused on three aspects: the presence of a clear theory of change, the availability and quality of\ndata, and the appropriateness of timing and institutional resources for evaluation.\nThe assessment identified gaps and areas for improvement, including weaknesses in UNIDO's logical model and results framework, underreporting of its SDG contributions, and\nthe need for clearer definitions and focus on UNIDO's impact. There is a disconnect between SDG targets and UNIDO's measurement of results and performance.\nThe evaluation of UNIDO's contributions to the SDGs is deemed useful and relevant. The\nfindings and lessons learned from SDG evaluations are valuable for organizational learning and of strategic interest to UNIDO and its constituents.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Strategic evaluation report on UNIDO engagement with the private sector.pdf

Strategic evaluation report on UNIDO engagement with the private sector.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO/IEU - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This evaluation assessed UNIDO’s overall approach to private-sector partnerships and their contribution to UNIDO’s overall goals. The evaluation is based on desk research and on the analyses of primary data, which was collected through interviews with private partner representatives and through interviews, and a survey among UNIDO staff with direct or indirect experience in initiating and managing partnerships.\n\nThe target audience for this report is UNIDO management and personnel as well as external stakeholders of UNIDO, and potential partners. The evaluation found the absence of a clear and coherent partnership\nstrategy that guides both the initiation and management of UNIDO’s private sector engagement. Current practice is the existence of both bottom-up and top-down processes to initiate partnerships, which\ncontributes to increased complexity and potential fragmentation. The evaluation also found scope for improvement in the management and development of UNIDO’s portfolio of partnerships in line with a\ncoherent strategy and the creation of an integrated system of managing and sharing experiences and best practices across UNIDO. The development of a coherent partnership strategy, its implementation in\nthe initiation and management of individual partnerships and UNIDO’s portfolio of partnerships as a whole, as well as the development of a knowledge management system with regard to private partnerships, are recommended.

Thematic Area: Cross-cutting

Evaluation report on Mainstreaming climate change adaptation through water resource management in leather industrial zone development in Pakistan.pdf

Evaluation report on Mainstreaming climate change adaptation through water resource management in leather industrial zone development in Pakistan.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Climate change adaptation   #Leather   #PAKISTAN   #Asia and the Pacific   #PAKISTAN   #Project evaluations

Project: 150052
This GEF-funded project in Pakistan aimed to support the establishment of the Sialkot Tannery Zone (STZ) and its central component, the common effluent treatment plant (CETP), to facilitate the relocation of tanneries from urban areas to a designated industrial zone. The overarching objective was to contribute to the greening of the leather production industry in Sialkot, Pakistan, with a view to conserving agricultural land while increasing economic growth. The evaluation findings highlighted the alignment of the project with government policies, the importance of coordination between the STZ and various national and international stakeholders, and the substantive contributions of the project toward climate change adaptation and awareness raising. However, challenges related to project delays, financial constraints for tanneries, and environmental concerns regarding contaminated sites were noted. Key conclusions emphasized the potential economic benefits of the STZ, including increased exports and employment opportunities, as well as environmental\nimprovements for surrounding communities. The project successfully promoted capacity development among tannery owners and workers, while also addressing climate adaptation through infrastructure development and cleaner production processes. Recommendations were provided to\nenhance future projects, including conducting comprehensive energy feasibility studies, exploring\nopportunities for female employment in downstream leather industries, and formulating proposals for advanced climate-adapted waste conversion technologies. Lessons learned emphasized the importance of flexibility, inclusiveness, and qualitative monitoring in project implementation. Overall, the independent evaluation rated the project’s performance as satisfactory to highly satisfactory, underscoring its potential to contribute to sustainable development in the leather industry and\nbroader environmental goals.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Strategic evaluation report on Knowledge Management in UNIDO.pdf

Strategic evaluation report on Knowledge Management in UNIDO.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO/IEU - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Strategic evaluations

This report offers a comprehensive evaluation of Knowledge Management (KM) practices within UNIDO spanning the period from 2016 to 2023. Employing a consultative and transparent approach, the evaluation aimed to identify areas for improvement in KM\npractices through various methodologies including desk reviews, stakeholder consultations, surveys, and web metrics analysis. Key findings underscore the absence of a\ncomprehensive KM system within UNIDO, leading to operational inefficiencies and knowledge gaps. The evaluation highlights the need for a robust KM framework that\naddresses the diverse needs of personnel, particularly in accessing dispersed information.\nChallenges identified include a lack of user-centric KM management, inadequate involvement of staff in KM formulation, and unstable policies resulting from organizational\nchanges. Furthermore, the report emphasizes the role of KM in achieving organizational results, noting the disconnect between operations and intellectual work, as well as internal competition hindering a collaborative knowledge-sharing culture. Despite ad-hoc KM initiatives yielding some results, the lack of a clear strategy, governance, and incentives hindered their effectiveness. Additionally, the absence of a dedicated KM team and\ncentralized function further weakened UNIDO’s ability to capitalize on intellectual assets and effectively influence policy makers. While UNIDO demonstrated strengths such as implicit integration of KM in its framework and proven knowledge-sharing experiences, weaknesses persisted in the absence of a corporate KM strategy and coordination\nframework. Opportunities for improvement include leveraging change management for knowledge development and enhancing knowledge platforms. However, threats such as limited resources for KM and the perception of knowledge as a competitive advantage pose\nchallenges. Key recommendations include the development of a KM strategy aligned with the organization’s strategic vision, the establishment of a KM policy framework, and\nfostering a knowledge culture within UNIDO. These measures aim to enhance institutional effectiveness and address the identified shortcomings in KM practices, ultimately fostering sustainable industrial development.

Evaluation report on Upgrading of China small hydropower (SHP) capacity.pdf

Evaluation report on Upgrading of China small hydropower (SHP) capacity.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Rural development   #Asia and the Pacific   #CHINA   #Project evaluations

Project: 140196
This report presents the terminal evaluation of the project titled - Upgrading of China Small Hydro Power Capacity, which aimed to enhance the environmental sustainability of small hydropower (SHP) plants in China. Implemented during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), the project focused on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fossil fuel dependency by upgrading existing SHP stations. Managed by UNIDO and executed by the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) with on-the-ground support from the International Centre on Small Hydropower (ICSHP), the project ran from May 2017 to December 2023 with a total GEF investment of USD 8,925,000. The evaluation was conducted from September 2023 to January\n2024 and assessed project performance along OECD\/DAC criteria. Data collection methods included stakeholder consultations, field visits, and online data collection, employing a six-point rating scale for assessment. Key findings highlighted the project’s alignment with China’s development priorities, relevance to environmental goals, and coherence with GHG decarbonization objectives. The evaluation identified achievements in establishing green SHP standards, demonstrating environmental benefits, and promoting gender mainstreaming.\nPartnerships between UNIDO, MWR, and ICSHP were deemed effective, although deeper engagement with non-water sector stakeholders was recommended. The project\ndemonstrated adaptability during the COVID-19 pandemic and met co-financing targets, but sustainability concerns were raised regarding future funding for SHP certification.\nRecommendations focused on enhancing engagement with non-water sector stakeholders, disseminating project results nationally and internationally, raising awareness of green SHP benefits, and expanding ecological flow assessments. UNIDO was urged to advocate for project\noutcomes in policy dialogues and promote environmental results globally. Overall, the\nevaluation emphasized the project’s positive contributions to China’s SHP sector and\nrecommended strategies for maximizing its impact on energy transition, rural development, and environmental conservation.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development.pdf

Evaluation report on Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Energy management systems   #Africa   #Project evaluations

Project: 170046
The UNIDO programme - Generating energy capacity from geothermal power generation and its related technologies for sustainable development - focuses on geothermal power generation and energy management systems in Africa, with a particular emphasis on the Eastern Great Rift Valley region. The programme aims to increase access to stable electricity, improve the operations of an existing geothermal plant in Kenya, and enhance human and institutional capacities.\nThe programme was divided into two parts, with the Internet of Things (IoT) sub-project being separated due to its technical nature and having its budget. The overall budget for the program – starting in March 2017 and completed at the end of 2023- is USD 12.733 million.\nThe terminal evaluation assesses the programme's achievements in terms of technology demonstration projects, removing barriers to accessing technical information, capacity building, knowledge management, identifying sustainable business models, and strengthening market conditions for investment. The evaluation also examines the program's progress toward its impact, which includes catalyzing market development for geothermal power projects and improving energy access in African countries.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Introduction of an environmentally sound management and disposal system for PCB wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment.pdf

Evaluation report on Introduction of an environmentally sound management and disposal system for PCB wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Asia and the Pacific   #INDONESIA   #Project evaluations

Project: 130249
The project \"Introduction of an environmentally sound management and disposal system for PCB wastes and PCB-contaminated equipment\" was implemented from October 2013 to September 2023 by UNIDO in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry\nof Indonesia. The project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with a budget of $6.0 million.\nThe main objectives of the project were to establish a PCB management system to reduce or eliminate releases from PCB waste stockpiles and PCB-containing equipment, and to dispose of at least 3,000 tons of PCB wastes and equipment in an environmentally sound manner. The project also aimed to maximize opportunities for public-private partnerships.\nThe evaluation concluded that the project was highly relevant as it helped Indonesia fulfill\nits obligations under the Stockholm Convention to identify and eliminate all PCBs in the country by 2028. The project effectively strengthened the policy and regulatory framework for PCB management, with the developed ministerial regulations on PCBs being adopted\nand enforced by the government. The project also enhanced the capacities of stakeholders and conducted PCB inventories.\nOverall, the project made significant progress in improving PCB management in Indonesia, but certain challenges and recommendations were identified to further enhance its impact and sustainability.\nRecommendations of the evaluation are referring to the replication and scaling up of the project, financial support for small PCB owners, ensuring reporting and reasonable\ntreatment costs and finally a regular update of the project`s website.\nKey lessons learned include the need for enforcement and incentive mechanisms to encourage PCB owners to dispose of their equipment properly, as well as the importance of selecting the right entity to operate treatment facilities based on specific criteria.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.pdf

Evaluation report on Inclusive and sustainable industrial development for job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 190092
This report presents the independent terminal evaluation of the project entitled Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development for Job Creation in Ethiopia and Senegal (UNIDO project ID 190092), funded by the Government of Germany and executed by UNIDO from December 2019 to December 2023. The project, with a budget of 8 million Euros, was part of Germany's Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” and aimed at mitigating youth unemployment challenges in Ethiopia and Senegal through training and skills development stimulating private sector investment, and mainstreaming legal and policy instruments and mechanisms.\nKey findings reveal the project's achievement in demonstrating the potential for\nemployability and job creation, primarily through the adoption of value chain approaches in agro-industry in Ethiopia, and the UNIDO IDEA approach for youth entrepreneurship development in Senegal. Overall, the project’s achievements have been significant more on a qualitative level than quantitatively due to its demonstrative nature.\nDespite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a low number of investors in the\nintegrated agro-industrial park in Ethiopia and the non-completion of the Agropole Sud in Senegal, the project surpassed most predefined targets, creating and improving over 3,000 jobs in both countries combined, with notable emphasis on youth, women, and smallholder farmers. Moreover, significant efforts were made to support SMEs and enhance the working conditions of employees through targeted training initiatives.\nRecommendations of the evaluation aim to enhance the sustainability of the project's\nbenefits, emphasizing the importance of continued policy support, investment attraction, and capacity building. Additionally, the evaluation highlights valuable lessons learned, underscoring the importance of adaptive approaches in the face of unforeseen challenges and the potential for replicability in similar contexts.\nIn conclusion, while facing inevitable obstacles, the project achieved commendable outcomes in promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development, thus contributing to economic transformation and job creation in Ethiopia and Senegal.
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

Evaluation report on Job creation for youth and women through improvement of business environment and SMEs competitiveness in Jordan.pdf

Evaluation report on Job creation for youth and women through improvement of business environment and SMEs competitiveness in Jordan.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Job creation   #Youth   #Value chain   #Arab States   #JORDAN   #Project evaluations

Project: 160264
The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and implemented by UNIDO aimed at increasing Jordan’s private-sector contribution to job creation and at promoting the economic inclusion of youth and women by supporting the development of competitive small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Outcome 1 achieved milestones like the establishment of the Jordan Industrial Intelligence Observatory, the development of the first ever Jordan Industrial Competitiveness Report (JICR), and the inclusion of Jordan in OECD’s TiVA database. Outcome 2 faced challenges in relation to the dissemination of developed value chain studies and planned capacity building initiative for selected SMEs. Other critical factors affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the project were delays in funds disbursements, COVID-19 and a high staff turnover.\nDespite setbacks, the evaluation found the overall project implementation to be moderately satisfactory. Notably, the Industrial Intelligence Observatory and TiVA database additions contribute to potential long-term impact and sustainability.
Thematic Area: Poverty Reduction / Creating Shared Prosperity

Evaluation report on European Union-East African Community Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) in Kenya.pdf

Evaluation report on European Union-East African Community Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP) in Kenya.pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #KENYA   #Project evaluations

Project: 170183
The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP), a collaborative initiative between the EU and the East African Community, aimed to enhance market access for agro-food\nproducts in both the EU Single Market and regional markets. The MARKUP Kenya project\nfocused on boosting the economic development of Kenya by increasing the value of agricultural exports in selected horticulture subsectors. Implemented from February 2019\nto September 2023, the project prioritized commodities such as green beans, mangoes, passion fruits, among others, in 10+ counties. Key findings of the evaluation underscore the project’s relevance to and coherence with national and global policies, and notable effectiveness in achieving key targets, especially in GAP training and communication initiatives. The project showcased efficiency in its implementation, with a small team\ncoordinating diverse activities involving national and county-level stakeholders. The evaluation revealed significant economic benefits for farmers, including reduced production costs, increased produce quantities, and improved access to new markets. Although project’s sustainability prospects appear promising, challenges remain, necessitating follow-up funding to bridge potential gaps. Gender mainstreaming was a commendable aspect, with over 40% of target farmers being women. Key recommendations include creating a sustainability strategy, launching dissemination actions, and developing\ncomprehensive funding strategies for value chain scaling. Lessons learned emphasize the importance of public participation, understanding local cultures, engaging county leadership, and promoting cooperatives and certifications for sustainable development.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP).pdf

Evaluation report on Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Accreditation   #Value chain   #Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 170032
This report provides an overview of the evaluation of the first phase of the Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP) from December 2017 to November 2023. The evaluation covers seven countries, including Colombia, Peru, Indonesia, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and Georgia. \n\nThe findings indicate that the GQSP has achieved good results in strengthening quality infrastructures and enhancing awareness for quality. However, the program's effectiveness varies between quality infrastructure institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises\n(SMEs), with limited reach to SMEs and mixed results in terms of enhanced export competitiveness. Financial sustainability is also highlighted as crucial for long-term impact. \n\nThe evaluation concludes that the overall intervention logic of the GQSP works partially and suggests revising the theory of change to better reflect the program's scope and factors influencing export competitiveness. Furthermore, the evaluation recommends continued\nfinancial support for the development and maintenance of global knowledge tools created under the GQSP. \n\nRecommendations for the second phase of the GQSP include strategies to enhance SME outreach, better definition of target beneficiaries, innovative approaches for capacity building, investment in empirical evidence collection, revision of the theory of change, consideration of a parallel trade promotion program, and strengthening long-term sustainability. \n\nOverall, the evaluation highlights the achievements and areas for improvement of the GQSP and provides valuable recommendations for the second phase to enhance its effectiveness and impact on quality infrastructure and SMEs.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP).pdf

Evaluation report on Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP).pdf

2024  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Global   #Project evaluations

Project: 170022
This report presents the evaluation of the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP), a five-year initiative launched in December 2018. GEIPP aims to demonstrate the benefits of eco-industrial park approaches in improving resource productivity and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development. It consists of two main components: country-level interventions and global knowledge development. The country-level interventions focus on incentivizing and mainstreaming eco-industrial parks in national policies and regulations, as well as supporting the implementation of eco-industrial park\nopportunities by enterprises. The global knowledge development component aims to generate and disseminate knowledge from past and present UNIDO interventions to inform\nstrategies and policies. The program covered seven pilot countries, including Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Peru, South Africa, Ukraine, and Vietnam, with a total of 21 eco-industrial parks.\nThe evaluation identified several lessons and recommendations. It emphasized the importance of supporting environmentally friendly innovation while ensuring the inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It also highlighted the need to strengthen\npartnerships within the UN system, promote collaboration among UNIDO programs, and prioritize system-wide approaches. Recommendations included addressing socioeconomic aspects, improving communication and feedback mechanisms, and supporting SMEs in adopting eco-industrial practices. \nOverall, the evaluation underscored the significance of eco-industrial park approaches in improving resource productivity and fostering sustainable industrial development. It emphasized the importance of integrating these approaches into national policies, supporting enterprises in implementing them, and sharing knowledge and lessons learned internationally. The findings and recommendations aim to enhance the effectiveness and impact of GEIPP and similar initiatives in the future.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on Promoting organic waste-to-energy and other low-carbon technologies in SMMEs_Accelerating biogas market dev. in South Africa.pdf

Evaluation report on Promoting organic waste-to-energy and other low-carbon technologies in SMMEs_Accelerating biogas market dev. in South Africa.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Biogas   #Renewable energy   #Environment   #Skills development   #Africa   #SOUTH AFRICA   #Project evaluations

Project: 130310
The project, supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), aimed to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the conversion of waste to biogas.\nThe evaluation assessed the project's overall attainment of objectives, sustainability measures, and scalability. The findings indicate that the project was well-designed and\naligned with GEF objectives. It successfully engaged stakeholders and promoted market shifts towards renewable energy investments. Financial management and co-financing were appropriately reported and monitored, demonstrating the viability and interest in waste-to-energy activities in South Africa. The project generated valuable knowledge and documents to support future biogas projects. Although some output targets were not fully achieved, significant progress was made, including the installation of biogas plants and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the project managed to positively change the view point on biogas projects towards environmentally sound resource management and was therefore rated as overall moderately satisfactory.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment

Evaluation report on West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP) Ghana component.pdf

Evaluation report on West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP) Ghana component.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Value chain   #Quality infrastructure   #Africa   #GHANA   #Project evaluations

Project: 170220
This terminal evaluation concerns the Ghana Component (WACOMP-Ghana) of the West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP). WACOMP-Ghana is funded by the EU (€6,2 million) with additional €150,000 cost-sharing by UNIDO (German Trust Fund). The project started in February 2019 and its initially planned duration of 4 years was extended to 5 years in January 2023 and project completion is expected to be in principle at the end of January 2024. The project targeted three value chains: cassava; fruits (mango and pineapple) and cosmetics. Its interventions are structured under 5 complementary pillars, summarized as the “‘5Cs”: Coordinate, Compete, Conform, Connect and Credit.
Thematic Area: Trade Capacity Building / Economic Competitiveness

Evaluation report on Increased energy access for productive use through small hydropower development in rural areas in Madagascar.pdf

Evaluation report on Increased energy access for productive use through small hydropower development in rural areas in Madagascar.pdf

2023  |  Author(s): EIO - Independent Evaluation Unit

#Africa   #MADAGASCAR   #Project evaluations

Project: 120094
The full-size project “Increased energy access for productive uses through the development of small hydropower in rural areas, funded by the Global Environment Facility, was implemented by UNIDO, from May 2015 to June 2023.\nThe main objective of the project was to stimulate the use of small hydropower to reduce GHG emissions and trigger productive use for income generation in line with priorities of the Government of Madagascar with the overall aim to increase the competitiveness of the Madagascan SME sector and to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels. The terminal evaluation covered the whole duration of the project.
Thematic Area: Environment and Energy / Safeguarding the Environment