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Opening ceremony

Establishing a Strategic Roadmap for Sustainable Laboratory Infrastructure Development in Georgia

29 November 2022

TBILISI - Georgia has launched its Strategic Roadmap for Sustainable Laboratory Infrastructure Development. The Strategic Roadmap for laboratory infrastructure development in Georgia provides guidance to public and private stakeholders on planning resources to enable investments to support the development of food laboratories for trade standards compliance and increased access to foreign markets.

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B2B in Sudan

UNIDO promotes access to renewable energy technologies for agricultural use in Sudan

28 November 2022

KHARTOUM – UNIDO and its Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) in Germany organized a B2B event to bring together more than 70 stakeholders in the renewable energy sector.   Entitled, “Fostering Access to Renewable Energy Products for Agricultural Use”, the event connected renewable energy technology providers and exporters, support institutions, farmers’ associations as well as financial institutions to engage and share knowledge on the adoption of sustainable renewable energy technologies.

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AIW main picture

UNIDO Director General renews call for a ‘Marshall Plan’ with Africa at the African Union Summit on Industrialization and Economic Diversification

26 November 2022

Debt relief for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), local manufacturing capacities, fair access to global financial markets and compensation for damages caused by climate change are the necessary actions for Africa’s accelerated growth, said United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director General, Gerd Müller.

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AIW2022-Index launch

Boosting reliable and accurate industrial data in Africa through the African Industrial Observatory and Industrialization Index

24 November 2022

NIAMEY - Availability of quality data, leading to better qualitative analyses and accurate forecasts for the formulation of sound industrial policies on the African continent, is getting a boost with the launch of the African Industrial Observatory (AIO) and the African Industrialization Index (AII).

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Boosting Africa’s industrialization through South-South and triangular cooperation

24 November 2022

"The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is committed to stimulating South-South and triangular cooperation as a means of accelerating Africa’s industrialization as it will lead to greater innovation and opportunities for developing countries to learn from each other and share good practices”, said Managing Director Fatou Haidara.

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Agro-industrial parks: a proven policy tool in line with the aspirations of the African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

24 November 2022

NIAMEY - “The creation of five large agro-industrial zones, one in each region of Africa, will serve as major agricultural hubs on the continent, and it is time to stimulate private and public investments in the agro-industries,” said African Union’s Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment, Josefa Sacko.

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IPPA main

UNIDO's investment project preparation and appraisal (IPPA) e-learning course

23 November 2022

VIENNA - UNIDO releases a new online course on investment project preparation and appraisal (IPPA). The course aims to support investment promotion agencies and investment promotion institutions in creating and developing bankable investment opportunities to enhance financial flows through mobilizing domestic investments and attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to accelerate sustainable economic growth in their countries.

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